Are you wondering how you are going to pay your next mortgage payment? Yep! It’s a big problem for many right now. And with us not knowing how long it will be until things return to business as usual, people are becoming more and more worried about how they will pay their bills, especially their…
Archives for April 2020
Should I Sell My Home During the Coronavirus?
Are you thinking about selling your home but are concerned about putting your house on the market during the coronavirus? Don’t be—and here’s why… How the Coronavirus Is Affecting the Real Estate Market While the National Association of Realtors® flash survey is showing that 11% of Realtors are saying they have had a reduction in…
22 Things You Must NEVER Do When Selling Your Home
Are you ready to sell your home? Selling a home is an emotional experience not everyone is quite ready for when they finally make the decision to go ahead with it. Not to mention all the do’s and don’ts that come with selling a home, especially if you don’t know what those do’s and don’ts…